Thursday, January 15, 2009

Half pig, half girl

Do you ever go a day where you eat all day and can't stop and there's way too much food around? If you don't work in a job with craft service, I don't think you could really relate to this feeling I'm about to describe, and I'm pretty sure that even if you do, you may not know of this because I don't think normal people ever do this to themselves. When you're not hungry you don't eat, right? When you have overeaten a bit or a lot and told yourself, wow, that was a lot, I think I'm going to stop for awhile, you don't then eat 3 tacos, a piece of sandwich, some pickles, and a cracker, right? But when your a compulsive over eater, you (I) don't so much feel full after that as like you have actually literally gained 5 pounds, mostly in your face. And your face feels somehow stretched and soiled. I really wonder if anybody else that I know can relate to this. For you, I hope not, but it would make me feel less self loathing if you wanted to humor me.
NINE burger and fries????


erin said...

Um OF COURSE I can relate to this feeling. I had never pinpointed the soiled face feeling but I totally know exactly what you mean. When I worked at CEB (that's corporate executive board for those who don't know Sean), I had a seat right next to where they would put the three meals a day they provided when they made us work 12 hour days. So that mean that by the time I was done taking "bites" of 19 bagels, muffins, scones, etc at from 8:30am-10:30am, they would put out lunch at 11:00 AM which I would eat until 2:00pm, and then snacks until 5, then pizza. So yes, as maybe the most compulsive overeater you know (literally, that plate of brown sugar blondies has haunted me for weeks--who gets too lazy to cut and just eats with a spoon straight from the pan for 15 minutes....), I feel your pain. It will get better. No craft service at home!!

zoe said...

That's why I could never work on movies or TV. If I had access to craft service more than three days at a stretch I would be suicidal. Today has been a lot more sane, but I don't know if this is a coincidence or not but I am REALLY super cranky today. Not so much anymore but this morning was weird. I mean I know my cranky self pretty well but this was something different. I was angry at food and angry at not food.

erin said...

I hope you have recovered from the crankiness! Maybe you were dehydrated or needed some vitamin D? That is my new answer to has taken over anemia as my new favorite vitamin deficiency.
Thank you for all of your NYC guidance--everyone was so impressed with the food choices, and thanks to many hours of following you around soho, I knew how to get around! Maybe I should start a tour guide business....

erin said...

don't think that our personal emails excuse you from blog posting.

zoe said...

Sometimes I feel so boring, even I wish I would just leave.

erin said...

well, I am trying to decide a few things, maybe you can help with that. 1. What to have for lunch.
2. What movie to see tonight--Curious Case of Benjamin Button or Slumdog Millionaire. I am leaving SM big time.

muldonibor said...

I have seen both of those, and I would recommend Slumdog Millionaire over Benjamin Button. Benjamin Button is pretty cliche; it's very similar to Forrest Gump. You can just wait to netflix it, I assure you :D