Well this is not really news, but I feel that it's important enough to say again in this public forum. (hi, you 4!) My latest secret dirty obsession is Taco Bell Cheesy Bean and Rice burritos. There is a Taco Bell half way between my house and my dad's house and also in a lot of other places. When the timing and the mood are just right, I go through the drive thru, I get one Cheesy Bean and Rice burrito, 3 packets of hot sauce, and a medium diet coke. Then I pull my car into a spot in the parking lot, put it into park but don't turn it off (one time I didn't even do that, I just kept my foot on the brake), put all 3 hot sauces on the burrito, and eat the whole thing while Keely watches and I pretend that I'm busy working on my blackberry in case anybody's watching. I don't take any sips of drink until I'm totally done and driving away. It is a full half pound of flavor, they are not wrong, maybe even a little more with the definitely essential hot sauces. I be careful to dispose of the evidence before I see anyone I know. I've only done it 4 times. Only 2 of them were at the one that's on the way to my dad's house. One of them was at the weird fake Taco Bell / gas station at PCH and Sunset right across the street from the super fancy gym? Let me tell you, I'm not going there again. I totally felt like the fat binger who was about to go hack it up in the bathroom. Malibu is weird that way. In the valley or West LA it feels totally normal.
holy shit i just read this aloud to one of the 4 special fans and we laughed collectively. i too have a secret affinity for fast food eaten curbside.
It makes it taste better :)
hahaha, I had one new years day, and so did raymond on your suggestion. I didn't know about holding off on the diet coke though--that makes it like dessert almost. And I can't believe you went to the gas station taco bell. You think I'm ghetto.....
Man, I have never eaten fast food in a car in the parking lot of the fast food place. I should probably try it at some point. It seems almost like a torrid affair or something.
That's exactly right. That's what makes it taste better. So forbidden and depraved.
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