That looks better than the mexican pizzas I made. Mine rocked though. My friend sent me a recpe yesterday for loaded baked potato chip nachos. Yes, try to wrap your head around that, it took me a minute. She put very crunchy kettle potato chips and then covered them with mashed potatoes, cheese, bacon, scallions and sour cream. What do I say to that?? You forgot the butter, dummy.
Beets: Roast them in a 400 degree oven for an hour and then slip the skins off. Put arugula, sliced oranges or tangerines, the sliced beets and goat cheese together and you will be very happy.
Yams: Heat corn and/or peanut oil in a big heavy pot to 350-375 degrees. Peel the potatoes and cut them into sticks. Fry them. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle liberally with good salt. Sweet potato fries, bitches.
If you need more, I'm here for you.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Home (and mood) improvement!
All of a sudden there are three men here redoing my kitchen floors!! I've cried at least 3 times since I woke up 3 hours ago and was really dreading the rest of my day and my life on my drive home from Malibu and then I pulled into my driveway and they were waiting there for me! What a mood booster. As long as I don't think about what a huge mistake it is to be spending money when I have been working constantly and still can't afford my mortgage, this should keep my buoyed for at least an hour!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Dinner tonight
If you could have anything to eat for dinner tonight, what would it be? You don't have to buy it or cook it. Go.
My movie recommendations
Oh and I think I would not see CCBB because all I've heard is that it's long and it's basically a showcase for special effects with nothing interesting about it. If I were you, I would wait until Feb 6 and see He's Just Not That Into You (that is waay too long of a title for typing). Or I would fly out here and see it with me :) If I were you.
Sleepo bandito
Why am I so tired? I took naps yesterday and didn't do anything but read and watch TV and I went to sleep at SEVEN THIRTY! And this morning Keely woke me up at 6 and I thought, damn, I won't be able to go back to sleep now. Nope. I did. Instantly. And when I rewoke up at 7, I could have easily slept for two more hours. And last night when I was in my sleep and I heard the sound of the rain ticking on the something outside, I remember thinking, hmm, I didn't know they had that kind of clock here. They WHO?? It's my house! I wish it would stay raining all weekend because it definitely would fit my plan to sleep and snuggle by the fire in Malibu all weekend and eat whenever I woke up. I wonder if they have any of those kinds of clocks there.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Half pig, half girl
Do you ever go a day where you eat all day and can't stop and there's way too much food around? If you don't work in a job with craft service, I don't think you could really relate to this feeling I'm about to describe, and I'm pretty sure that even if you do, you may not know of this because I don't think normal people ever do this to themselves. When you're not hungry you don't eat, right? When you have overeaten a bit or a lot and told yourself, wow, that was a lot, I think I'm going to stop for awhile, you don't then eat 3 tacos, a piece of sandwich, some pickles, and a cracker, right? But when your a compulsive over eater, you (I) don't so much feel full after that as like you have actually literally gained 5 pounds, mostly in your face. And your face feels somehow stretched and soiled. I really wonder if anybody else that I know can relate to this. For you, I hope not, but it would make me feel less self loathing if you wanted to humor me.
NINE burger and fries????
NINE burger and fries????
Best get rich scheme ever
Well, my curiosity got the best of me. It was coming sooner or later and I am a glutton, both for burritos and punishment, so I looked. The good news is, if you wanted to be the spokesperson for Taco Bell and Weight Watchers combined, you could eat one burrito for lunch and one burrito for dinner every day for a year and lose a ton of weight! Should I do that? OMG maybe I should. Rich and skinny and full of burritos. Mmmmmmm.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'll miss you, CBARB
This is from the Evany website I showed you guys earlier, and I have actually been meaning to mention something about this....
Am horrified, HORRIFIED, by the calorie and fat contents newly listed on Chevy's menu. I would have been fatter off not knowing! 1:14 PM Jan 12th from txt
I am SO SO not looking forward to knowing how much damage a cheesy bean and rice burrito is doing to me. WHY CAN'T THEY LET ME NOT KNOW? The government doesn't want me to enjoy myself. I think maybe they should put them behind a secret window like an advent calendar or a lottery scratcher so you could look if you wanted to but not if you didn't. But they know no one would look so they just want to shove it right in your eyes and ruin your day. I wonder how much money this idea is gong to save the health system. Ten dollars? Twenty? I've got about that, I think we could make a deal.
I am SO SO not looking forward to knowing how much damage a cheesy bean and rice burrito is doing to me. WHY CAN'T THEY LET ME NOT KNOW? The government doesn't want me to enjoy myself. I think maybe they should put them behind a secret window like an advent calendar or a lottery scratcher so you could look if you wanted to but not if you didn't. But they know no one would look so they just want to shove it right in your eyes and ruin your day. I wonder how much money this idea is gong to save the health system. Ten dollars? Twenty? I've got about that, I think we could make a deal.
Deep dish
See that pizza up there? I made it last weekend and it really rocked. Maybe next time I would cook it for less time because the crust was what I would call extra crispy / almost as hard as a rock. But I kind of like that because it helps me eat slower. I think other, more reasonable people might prefer something a bit more pillowish. If you want all the secrets, go ahead and ask. I'm not afraid.
Oh, and when I say I made that pizza up there that is not at all what I mean. That pizza is from Zachary's in Berkeley where they make the most heavenly pizza on the planet hands down and you have to wait 45 minutes for it from the time you sit down and order which is at least an hour after you have arrived and put your name on the list. I have considered making a trip there just for that, though. That would be a total of 8 hours for a pizza. I bet someone's done it. I only made something like that. Not too shabby a likeness though, if I do say.
Oh, and when I say I made that pizza up there that is not at all what I mean. That pizza is from Zachary's in Berkeley where they make the most heavenly pizza on the planet hands down and you have to wait 45 minutes for it from the time you sit down and order which is at least an hour after you have arrived and put your name on the list. I have considered making a trip there just for that, though. That would be a total of 8 hours for a pizza. I bet someone's done it. I only made something like that. Not too shabby a likeness though, if I do say.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bloated and uncomfortable but with free food
I have been a pretty big fan of Fiber One bars for a few months now. When I was shopping the other day I saw a new item: Kellogg's Fiber plus Antioxidants bars. Unlike Fiber One's they are coated in chocolate on the bottom. Also, they have 10 less calories and I think less sugar and carbs and more fat. And they come with a coupon on the back for $1 off next time and when you double that because it's always double coupons I think, right? it's $2 off and at the store they are 2/$4 so I think they are free! Go, Sugie, go! But don't eat two in one day. Seriously, just take my word for it.
If you live anywhere near the Nosh (there's one in Beverly Hills and one in Santa Monica) please go there and get a tub of jalapeno cream cheese. If you have an assistant, send them instead. Do what you like with it. I suggest pretzels, wheat thins or a toasted bagel with tomato, but really it doesn't matter because all you can taste is hot cheese. Run, don't walk.
p.s. I literally could not title this blog because every time I went to type words I had to eat another pretzel from my 100 calorie bag of minis.
p.s. I literally could not title this blog because every time I went to type words I had to eat another pretzel from my 100 calorie bag of minis.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I would like to super size that
I think I'm going to have to upgrade from soft taco sized tortillas to burrito sized. I always think I'm doing myself a favor with those smaller ones, but inevitably I need 2 and even the smallest amount of filling doesn't wrap up very nicely and you've got a mess all over your hands after the first bite. Once you've folded over the bottom and smothered everything in hot sauce, you feel like the filling isn't getting it's fair share. Burrito size, here I come. I wish I could go to the store now to get started.
Sexy bed hair
I want to thank the reader who suggested brushing my hair upside down for more poof. Things are really working out nicely with that. Big ups.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I want you all to know about my two very favorite blogs that make me laugh out loud while at work. In case you were doing something productive and useful, these will nip that right in the bud. (be sure to check out 'daily chuck.' hilarious) (be sure to check out 'daily chuck.' hilarious)
Holding it together (barely)
I'm squashing my munchies with tea and raspberries and the promise of Casa Vega in 3 hours. It's working.
The real me
Why am I so eager to eat everything all the time these days? Is it the cold? I can pretty much hold off until lunch but after that .... Haha. I just realized that this is nothing new. This is just back to normal. I was about to say after lunch I want to eat the whole day and can't stop thinking about food, but does that even need saying? It was the couple of months when that wasn't happening that was noteworthy. Now, let's see if I can go another day without making the PA go buy Hot and Spicy Cheezits. I managed not to yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
New favorite

Well this is not really news, but I feel that it's important enough to say again in this public forum. (hi, you 4!) My latest secret dirty obsession is Taco Bell Cheesy Bean and Rice burritos. There is a Taco Bell half way between my house and my dad's house and also in a lot of other places. When the timing and the mood are just right, I go through the drive thru, I get one Cheesy Bean and Rice burrito, 3 packets of hot sauce, and a medium diet coke. Then I pull my car into a spot in the parking lot, put it into park but don't turn it off (one time I didn't even do that, I just kept my foot on the brake), put all 3 hot sauces on the burrito, and eat the whole thing while Keely watches and I pretend that I'm busy working on my blackberry in case anybody's watching. I don't take any sips of drink until I'm totally done and driving away. It is a full half pound of flavor, they are not wrong, maybe even a little more with the definitely essential hot sauces. I be careful to dispose of the evidence before I see anyone I know. I've only done it 4 times. Only 2 of them were at the one that's on the way to my dad's house. One of them was at the weird fake Taco Bell / gas station at PCH and Sunset right across the street from the super fancy gym? Let me tell you, I'm not going there again. I totally felt like the fat binger who was about to go hack it up in the bathroom. Malibu is weird that way. In the valley or West LA it feels totally normal.
Ok, what about this. Can you guys live without pictures? Maybe there will be pictures sometimes, but if I don't feel limited to only posting when I have photographic evidence, there's a good chance you'll have my hilarious anecdotes and witticisms available to you a lot more often. What do you say?
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