Last night, after she had dissed the tomato soup lunch, she dissed the pizza dinner and wanted Taco Bell instead. Ha! Bean and cheese burritos. Unlike Eskimo Pies, those are something she's actually been fond of for quite some time.
Dinner on Tuesday was vegetable lasagna with
No food after 6:30am on Wednesday (which I was not here to photograph, but it was oatmeal and raisin bran) even though her surgery was scheduled for 3pm and they didn't end up starting until 9pm. Breakfast again I didn't witness because I live an hour away and it's at the crack of dawn so forgive me. Because she hadn't been in this room to order the day before, she got "Hospital's Choice!" As soon as they brought lunch we all poo
And then. Just as I was leaving last night. They brought more cheese pizza! Hooray!
p.s. I hate the way this picture upload thing is, does anybody please know how to do this? It can't be this hard and annoying, can it? Help.
do the people at whole foods think you are crazy for taking pictures of your two sandwiches, larabars and magazine??
I managed to do it without anybody noticing. It's a very busy Whole Foods. But they're probably used to it what with everybody blogging these days.
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