Last night I made some really delicious chicken parmesan with spinach fettucine and homemade tomato sauce and I didn't take one single picture. It didn't even occur to me until I was thinking about cookies, so about 2 minutes after the dishes were done. What a dummy. So, yeah, it was great and it looked really pretty. Trust me.
I did finally make the pasta salad the night before. I should have stuck with the original plan, caesar with chicken and pasta. What I made was okay but not great judging by the response from my eaters. Pretty much total silence. I got one 'That was really good, thank you' at the end but that was from a very polite lady (not related to me).
Here is one that will not disappoint. It's not pretty, so don't take it's picture, but it's delicious. Obviously it can be adapted with whatever you like, but the last 3 ingredients are key. I always use pineapple as the base and then add mangoes or peaches or whatever seems good. Here's how I did it this time.
Ginger Lime Fruit Salad
1 pineapple, cut smallish
1 white nectarine, cut same size
1 yellow nectarine, cut same size
2 pluot, cut same size
green grapes, cut in half
lots of candied ginger, minced
juice of one lime
Toss all together being careful not to mush it. I make the whole thing in a big tupperware and eat it all day long. It's only good for about 2 days, but I've never had a problem with that.
The pasta salad was no good? It looked tasty! Even with Mary Fay there it was silent?? No proclamations of the best pasta salad she has ever had in her whole entire life...I am shocked. The fruit salad sounds quite delicious, I am a big fan of that candied ginger. Have you watched the Hills yet?
Mary Fay wasn't here for the pasta salad unfortunately. Although, her silence would have been a double stinger. No hills!!!! What is wrong with me?
get your priorities straight! Enough with the constant cooking and tending to others! Hole yourself up with some wireless internet and laugh mercilessly at what a bad plastic surgeon can do to what once was a normal-ish looking girl!
Poor Heidi. I knew the boobs weren't going to be enough. She had that look in her eye.
I was totally going to finish it, but it was cleaned up before I had a chance. It was good, but I don't really like broccoli. That's my problem though :D
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