When I'm at my parents house I eat totally different food from when I'm in real life, so here I am waiting for the hospital bed to get delivered and for my mom to come home and I'm starving so one of my Malibu but not real life snacks is Matzoh with cream cheese and salt. Yum, try it it's so good. Get Moonstrips if you can, they have onions or something in them. Like an everything bagel. So there's some lightly salted (eh) matzoh here and no cream cheese. The other day when I was here cleaning out the fridge getting ready for my mom to come home I didn't throw away this garlic hummus that I had bought awhile ago. I don't know why I bought it or why I didn't throw it away because I don't even like hummus really! And it's a little expired ew!! But the other choice was butter and I'm on a health kick today, so I went for the rotten hummus.
But the point is... this is not the cracker that I ate. This is the photo cracker that I had to make after I already ate the real one and was done. And then guess what I did with the photo cracker. Took a photo of it ;)
And now my face stinks cause it was really garlicky. Stinkface.
what are your non malibu snacks like? I would love to see them, and by see I mean have you make them for me while I kick back with a drink and a hills rerun.
omg, i didn't watch last night! and they will probably never rerun it!!!
haha well watch it please because we have lots of ripping on the characters to do. Heidi's sister is target #1. Go! But seriously, what are these elusive snacks I don't get to see? Also, I made a dish last night with pasta, broiled salmon, peas, mint, feta and lemon juice that wasn't half bad. Now tell me how to make it better!
Oh and the snacks I eat at home mostly involve pickles and fruit. Delicious, but not really fattening enough for company ;)
pickles and fruit, I like both of those things quite a bit. Pesto is a great call, next time I will include that. If there is a next time, I think I made a mistake making the shrimp tacos in the beginning. I set the bar too high!
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