Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New place omg shut up!

We just tried a new place and I loved it!! Basic Bites on Beverly Dr in Beverly Hills. I had a Charming Chinese salad. Not really sure what's up with the kicky names, but the place has the same taste in vegetables that I do and doesn't use the stupid ones like red onions and bell peppers. This salad had lettuce with "Chinese vegetables" which to my delight turned out to be snow peas, green beans, cucumbers and water chestnuts, avocado, tomato, sesame seeds, peanuts and "Chinese dressing." Somehow saying Chinese feels a little bit like saying Oriental to me. It seems a little red-necky and wrong, but I guess that one's still PC for now. Can't we just call it all Asian to be safe? I don't feel like this dressing was so distinctly Chinese as to exclude the rest of Asia, but I suppose they have the right to decide that more than I do. It's their recipe. It was, nonetheless, very very delicious and I will most definitely be frequenting this place again. I liked it so much that I dipped all the bread scraps (and one quiche scrap) I could find into the leftover dressing, thus saving myself no calories whatsoever by not using all the dressing. I'm competing for biggest eater and I'm pretty sure I might win. Who's with me?

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