Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Not a total failure (this time)

Remember my 6 pounds of pesto fish? Guess what it turned into. Pesto fish with mayonnaise. As a sandwich. As 12 sandwiches. And by sandwich I mean a wich eaten on the sand. That's right, beach picnic. I made tuna(ono) sandwiches and took them to the beach for my friends, yay!

The ones on rye bread were the best. And then you're the old man on the plane who pulls out a tuna on rye. Sweet one.


erin said...

The OHO sandwiches were delicious! I wish I had a couple on the plane, however I was content being the girl with the bbq'd chicken and two pieces of corn on the plane. In the last row. Window seat. With the snoring lady next to her.

zoe said...

Your mom let you have the window?? What a sucker. Lucky you weren't flying with me ;)