Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Some super bowl highlights:
Honey wheat pretzel twists dipped in rotel cheese dip (also, spicy sweet chili Doritos dipped in said dip or in french onion dip)
Deviled eggs that had avocado, wasabi, jalapeno, scallions and lime
Hoagie pie (I actually took pictures! you will see them later!)
The 100 yard touchdown
The Steelers win in the last 30 seconds

The chili was very good but I can't really get that excited about chili. Once I have wrapped it in a tortilla tonight with a lot of hot sauce and sour cream, that will be another story.


erin said...

What is rotel cheese dip? Those honey wheat pretzels are worse than crack, not that I remember my old crack days that well. And YUM on the deviled eggs. I had roasted vegetables and went and stole chili from my moms house.

zoe said...

Roasted vegetables, Sugie?? I feel like I've failed you.
Rotel cheese dip is a can of rotel which is chilies and tomatoes or something mixed with melted velveeta. Quite possibly the most disgusting thing you'll ever eat. Put a drop of it on your glass coffee table and leave it there over night and I guarantee you will never want to eat it.

erin said...

Rotel cheese dip sounds like tostitos queso, which is good when you are drunk and awful the rest of the time. Obviously, it was a college staple for me.