Thursday, February 5, 2009

Funny jew

I just can not get enough of John Stewart. I think he is the world's perfect man. I would probably help him cheat on his wife and babies. Not probably.


erin said...

How shiksa (or whatever the word is) of you. He is pretty fantastic, but short. I suppose for a torrid affair with a rich married man, you could overlook the height issues. I guess.

zoe said...

Short? How short is he?? He's always behind a desk I never knew! Good call on the getting a job where you're always behind a desk though, John. Only increases my regard for your genius.

erin said...

He is like 5'6 I think...maybe he could stand on stacks of money while you went on dates to appear taller. Google says 5'6 or 5'7....which means definitely 5'5 and a half...

zoe said...

WOW!!! That is huge news. It actually does change everything. I guess we will just stay in love through TV. This is why you should be careful what you wish for.

erin said...

Yup--he'd leave his wife, you would get followed by the paps, I mean really such mayhem would ensue. But you could sell your wedding photos and donate the money to the "sugie fund" charity I will have started. Money for sugie's.