Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stuff and stuff

I'm so excited to cook and eat summer things. Caprese with pesto, strawberry shortcake, strawberry rhubarb pie, watermelon salad, guacamole, micheladas...
I planted tomatoes and jalapenos yesterday. I'm so excited to grow food. I hope the bugs don't piss me off. I'm sure they will, they always do.
I also painted my dining room yesterday (and went to Costco, I know, very productive day) and I'm definitely not too sure about it. I'll have to post pictures and get a vote. I think maybe I like the dining room but will now have to re-repaint the kitchen. Then I'm sure the living room will need to be painted too and I'm already sick of the bathroom. Oh god. The wall is still down.


erin said...

mmmmmmmm all of those sound incredibly delicious. The grocery was trying to tempt me to make strawberry rhubarb pie by placing them together in the produce. Jokes on them--unless you can make it in the microwave, chances are, not happening. I want pictures of the dining room! And don't change the kitchen, it's so bright and cheery in there.

erin said...

pics of the dining room please and thank you. And update on summer foods. I need something to distract me from my own stellar cooking skills....microwaved egg sandwich breakfast, salad and veggie burger lunch, lean cuisine dinner. repeat.