Can somebody please email me and remind me to take pictures of the lobster stuff on Sunday? Sugie, if it's you, you can just tell me. That would be helpful. This has become a really boring blog, believe me, I hate it more than you do.
I just had a misunderstanding with someone over ichat (which was not resolved and I am still confused about) but it made me have an idea. Do gay guys date gay girls? Can they? Would they? It sounds perfect kind of, I think. I can't really wrap my head around it but I think it could work. Does anybody want to do an experiment? I would need at least one gay guy and one gay girl, first come first served.
That just made me think of another idea I had in the shower this morning where I have my most interesting ideas. I was thinking of taking my favorite question (what are your 3 favorite foods) and starting to record them and include some backround about the person and make it into a huge study. And maybe I could be in the New Yorker one day or on NPR. It's pretty much my only shot thus far and if it's gonna happen ever I think I better get started on something. What made me think of THAT was that I realized how I haven't yet had one person respond with a dessert item in their top three. I find that interesting, people really seem to love cookies and brownies and ice cream and pie and stuff, so why not? What made me think of THAT was how I have stopped liking sugar stuff.
How are you guys liking this new theme and format of reverse train of thought? More exciting than the alternative (idiotic food babble) right?