This morning when I got here I was all excited by this nice fresh craft service table, but then the bloggosite wouldn't upload pictures and stuff and it turns out this isn't what I want to eat at all. So now breakfast and lunch and pretty much dinner have passed and I haven't eaten anything but a little bit of some shit way long ago I can't remember and it's been a really horrible day and I tried to order sushi from Seamlessweb but I already had an account and it asked me a hundred ways for my password and my mothers maiden name and how it could help me, but wouldn't actually let me do the food order so now I am PISSED. And I have a really bad sicky headache and everything has been fucked and everyone is making it worse for me and now I just found out I probably have four to six more hours to go. And getting food just seems too angry making. So I was gonna get a roll with shrimp tempura and cucumber inside and spicy tuna and avocado on the outside and an order of vegetable tempura. I have been craving veg tempura and that roll sounds like pretty much my favorite combo of all sushi rolls and then after I didn't get to order I read some WHIFFY reviews? What?? The fish was whiffy. Worst.
And I got sad news about my mom today.
And then happy news about my puppy.

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