Friday, March 27, 2009


When you don't have time to get your drink on and you only get to see your dog for 30 waking minutes a day and you can't call your parents and your new house is falling down, it's sad.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Keely wears the pants in this family

What I had for dinner last night: baby carrots and hummus and a grapefruit
What Keely had for dinner last night: chicken and rice and a hot dog warmed up in the microwave

I have a very scary thing happening. I'm trying to keep it a secret from myself, but I think I'm starting to figure it out. Meat is starting to seem disgusting. OH GOD! What about EVERYTHING??

Monday, March 16, 2009


My new favorite dinner, which I learned at the cafeteria in Reno go figure, and which I have eaten for the last two nights and will again tonight is a Gardenburger on a warmed bun with sliced tomatoes with Maldon salt on top of white cheddar cheese sliced veeeery thinly and melted on the patty, and the bottom bun is covered with pickles and pickled jalapenos and then the whole thing is smooshed down with your hand. YUM. Also, the whole thing is only like 4 points! If you know what that means, you're Sugie.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I just ate a cream cheese and Texas Pete sandwich on an untoasted double fiber english muffin. I so wish it wasn't over.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sometimes, when you're crazy, you have to take matters into your own hands. Let's just say I am holding matters and hoping I don't drop them. I'm feeling a little dizzy though. If you solve this riddle, I will let you take me out for sushi. Or Casa Vega. Your choice.